Friday, June 22, 2012

Update after a long leave of absence

Wow! I can't believe it has been so long since I've updated my blog. I'd like to say I've been busy rehabbing my knee, but I've actually taken a break from physical therapy and have been enjoying the usage of my knee!

First, here's a relatively recent picture. This one is about three months post-op, so it was taken about a month ago.

As you can see, my knee still isn't back to its normal state, but it is so much better. My scars are fading so fast! I've been using Mederma on the big one, but not regularly. It is on my to-do list, though!

So the last few months have been great! I'm still on the blood thinners, and they seem to be doing their job. My blood has stayed at a therapeutic level for the last several weeks. I see Dr. Nguyen, my hematologist, on Tuesday, and I'm hoping he will take me off the Coumadin at the end of the summer. It will certainly make shaving my legs a less scary proposition! ;-)

The best part of this post is that I can announce that I'm back to the gym with very few restrictions! Woohoo! I am able to ride the recumbent bike for as long as I can handle (which is about thirty minutes because I get bored beyond that) and then elliptical as well. I usually do thirty minutes on the elliptical as well. Earlier this week, I tried the StairMaster and found that it didn't KILL my knee. It didn't feel good, but it gave me a heck of a cardio workout, so I say YESSSSS!! Yesterday I tried to run for the first time. Ehhh, the knee is not quite ready for that. I made it 1/2 a mile, but it was a hobble-run and didn't feel good. I'm going to hold off a little longer before I try again. :-(

I now have a personal trainer who helps me keep my knee safe on the gym floor. I've always been anti-trainer, thinking I could do it myself because I have always been very active and have always worked out. Wow, what a difference a trainer makes!! My core has gotten so strong and I've learned more than I ever thought possible about form, technique, and equipment. I'm so excited to see the results after a good four months with his help!