Friday, January 13, 2012

My First Post! And a run-down of why I'm here...

So here's my story...I've been an athlete all my life. As a kid and teenager, it was soccer, volleyball, basketball, track and I loved every moment of it. As I got older and had my kids, got a job, created a home for my family, I failed to make time to continue athletics. I gained weight with each kid and working out just became one more thing that sat at the bottom of my daily to-do list. I never lost the love for fitness...just the motivation to make it a priority.

18 months ago, at my heaviest weight, I decided that I needed to make myself a priority. I started walking, then running, then hitting the gym hard. After losing 40 pounds through diet and exercise, I decided to go back to something I was most passionate about as a teenager- playing soccer. I joined an indoor soccer league and felt that I had finally re-discovered the fun and excitement that I had a child. I was immediately planning future seasons, both indoor and outdoor. Then one day, as I was shooting a goal from a strange angle, I heard a loud pop and went immediately to the ground in intense pain. I was carried off the field and knew instantly that it was something serious. I spent the next week, unable to walk, in bed and found out through an MRI that I had torn my anterior crucial ligament (ACL) and my meniscus. Surgery was imminent.

So why blog about it? A few reasons. The top reason is accountability. The second reason is to keep my family and friends updated. The third reason is because I need a place to share my frustrations! I'd love to get your feedback, so please share :-)

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