Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Back to work!

Last Thursday, March 8th, was my first day back at work. I wisely chose to come back on a Thursday so that I would only have to work two days and then would have the entire weekend to recover. Wow, what a smart thing that turned out to be! You can't even begin to imagine how exhausted I was. I came home from school on Thursday, kicked back in the recliner, turned on the fireplace right next to me, and slept for two hours. Now, for many that may not seem like a big deal, but for me, it is. I can't sleep anywhere but my bed (and the movie theater LOL), and I rarely take naps. Unfortunately, I had to wake up. If I hadn't had to make dinner, I could've slept all night right there.

My students were glad to have me back, and I was glad to see them. It's so nice to be loved and missed! My first period made me a sign, and when I walked into fifth period, they shouted, "Welcome back!" and had written nice notes on the board. I truly have the best job in the entire world.

My weekly schedule is really crazy. Physical therapy on M, W, and F and hematology lab work on Tuesday. PT is going REALLY well. I can pedal backward on the bike now. YAY!! That's a big leap for me. My knee pain is getting much better but I still have some stiffness and a "hitch in my giddyup". heehee Now on to hematology...not so good. My PT-INR (blood thickness) was 1.8 last week. I had to give myself a shot and increase my dosage. Today it was 1.5. What?!? How is it going down? It should be between 2-3. No shots today, but my dosage was increased again. I'm hoping this is just trial and error, trying to find the right dosage of rat poison, I mean Coumadin, for me.

I am afraid that I won't make it through this week without a day off. My right lung has been killing me lately. Usually it is a dull pain that starts late in the day (around fifth period) and gets progressively worse until as I'm getting ready for bed, I get sharp, searing pains in my upper right back. Bending over makes it worse as does lying on my side. I guess this "pleurisy" is normal and nothing to worry about. Hope it goes away soon!
On that note, I do believe I have a date with The Hunger Games tonight. I'm going to try to finish it before the movie comes out! :-)

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