Wednesday, February 8, 2012


It has been a few days since I've updated, mainly because I've been battling between the pain of my knee and going into a Lortab coma. Neither has been fun, and I'm still trying to find a happy medium.

While it is nice to be able to feel my leg now, the pain has been pretty intense. If I'm lying down with my knee propped, it isn't so bad. But when I try to move around or especially when I try to lift my leg up onto the bed...ouch!!! I've been told to take my pain pills regularly, to avoid the peaks and dips, but for someone who is used to suffering through a headache rather than taking Tylenol, this is all new to me. I don't like taking pain medication. It makes me feel groggy and sick to my stomach. You'd think it would help me sleep, but it does so only intermittently. I long for a good night's during which I don't wake up in a cold sweat feeling woozy and weird. And then there are the digestive issues that come along with pain pills...oy!!

So this is what my knee looked like on day three. The word yes was written by me. I guess it is a last validation that it is the correct knee for the surgery. I can only imagine the horror one would feel upon waking from surgery, only to find out that the surgery was performed on the wrong part. heehee As you can see, my knee is insanely swollen and I actually have six suture points. The sixth one is hidden by the brace on the outside of the knee. This pic was taken with the brace open. The brace is huge and bulky and hideous. It is the armored truck of knee braces. It gets in the way when I pee and pulls down on my leg when I'm hobbling around on crutches. I hate it already.

Those of you who know me well won't find this as much of a surprise...I'm about to lose my mind, lying in bed all day long. I don't want to watch TV; I don't want to read; I don't want to sleep. I want out of this house...NOW!!! I'm hoping for a dinner out this weekend, but it will depend on how I'm feeling. Right now I can't imagine leaving home, as much as I'd like to.

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