Friday, February 3, 2012

Today is the big day!

After a series of little roadblocks, I'm finally having my surgery today, two months after my injury. My first roadblock was when I showed up for my pre-op appointment and was told that I had called and cancelled my surgery. HUH?!? Obviously they were mistaken. I mean, it was probably a case of similar names. My last name is rather common (NOT!). Regardless, I rescheduled for today. Enter second roadblock on Tuesday. My primary doctor (whom I had seen in a pre-op appointment at the beginning of January) calls to inform me that she won't clear me for surgery until I have a chest x-ray. After about five minutes of ranting and raving to no one in particular, I called my ortho doctor who told me he doesn't require one and will do the surgery without. It was hard not to call my primary doctor back and give her the "na-ne-na-ne-boo-boo."

In preparation for my surgery, I had a massage last night. It was much needed but didn't quite take all the stress away. As a friend reminded me this morning, this is the easy part. I have a long road ahead of me during the recovery process, but I've been overwhelmed by the texts, emails, and facebook messages from friends and family who are sending me prayers and well-wishes. I'm so blessed!

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