Saturday, February 4, 2012

Surgery Update

Well, yesterday was the big day. I went to Seven Hills Surgery Center (which I would highly recommend if one is ever given the option...the staff was prompt, professional, and took very good care of me!). It turns out that my pre-op nurse also goes to my church, has daughters who go to the same dance studio as Athena, and has a daughter in Lukas's orchestra class at school and catechism class at church. I knew I was in good hands!

I was taken back and given the very flattering hospital gown and then covered with warm blankets. As a naturally "cold" person, those things are always appreciated. I watched an interesting documentary on the Fresno Bulldog gang and learned how to throw the correct gang signs if I ever find myself in a dark alley in Fresno. Good to know...So the anesthesiologist came in and told me I was getting a femoral block which would numb my leg completely. What an odd sensation! She sedated me a bit (ahhhhh!!) and then had me roll to my stomach as she prodded the top of my thigh, making my hamstring, then calf, then ankle twitch. It was quite uncomfortable, but not unbearable. Next she had me roll over and she did the front, making my quad twitch and then down to my kneecap. I felt immediately numb.

The next thing I knew, I was rolling into the OR which was FREEZING. I was shivering and shaking and explained to the anesthesiologist that I have a low tolerance for cold. I believe I even apologized for shaking. She said, "It isn't you, honey. This room is set at 54 degrees right now. It IS freezing in here!" Dr. Koe was there. He reassured me that I'd be back in heels in good time (haha!!). He had some Zac Brown Band playing and said he hoped I like country. The last thing I remember is telling him I saw Zac Brown Band in concert last weekend. Then I felt a sharp pain in my left arm (the anesthesia going into my vein) and I was out!

I woke up in the recovery area and had a very chatty nurse. This got me to wake up quickly, but I really just wanted to sleep. I should have...I wasn't picked up until about an hour later.

Almost 24 hours later, my leg is still numb. It is soooo annoying. I think I'd rather feel some pain than feel like a zombie, dragging my dead leg behind me. I thought for sure I would sleep well last night, but I really haven't slept much since my surgery. And to be honest, I'm quite disappointed with the level of care I'm getting at home. Not be a whiner, but it would be nice if I didn't feel like I was putting everyone out by asking them to go downstairs and bring me a few bags of ice. Moms aren't allowed to be down for the count, I guess! Anyway, no pain so far, my leg is wrapped like a mummy for now, and I've had several very successful ebay wins this morning. HAHA!!

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